Featured Film Productions
Synopsis: 'Two farm workers are tasked with moving a cryptic scarecrow one day, which unbeknownst to them, has been afflicted with a powerful curse.'
Directed by Markham Samuels
Starring: Cassandra Grande-Phillips, Nathan Plumite, Alexander Jackson,
Duke Murdodge
Producers: Markham Samuels, Naoki Otsuki
Produced by Whitelf Films
Synopsis: 'Alice Liddell is transported from Victorian England to the festive wonderland of Burning Man where she encounters some familiar faces.'
Directed by Sean Ronan & Markham Samuels
Starring: Madison DeWalt, Steve James, Sebastien Archibald, Tinka Kalajzik
Producers: Markham Samuels, James Kingstone, Sean Ronan
Produced by Whitelf Films and Hammer & Tong
Synopsis: 'A former video-game star is jolted from his mid-life slumber when his landlord threatens to evict him. As he struggles to overcome his inadequacies and maintain his images he learns that old habits die hard.'
Directed by James Kingstone & Markham Samuels
Starring: Max Clough, Elysia Rotaru, Andre Aggi
Producers: Markham Samuels, Sean Ronan, James Kingstone
Produced by Whitelf Films and Hammer & Tong
Synopsis: 'A twisted spin on the zombie-genre follows two stoners that discover marijuana cures zombie-ism after smoking their super-bong, and set-out to mass-implement it by hot-boxing their house against the horde of zombies they are faced with.'
Directed by Markham Samuels & Tim O'Rourke
Starring: Kevin Byrne, Fraser McLean
Producers: Markham Samuels, Tim O'Rourke